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2024-03-24 12:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


过去式:worded;   过去分词:worded;   现在分词:wording;   复数形式:words;

word 基本解释


名词单词; 话语; 诺言; 消息

及物动词措辞,用词; 用言语表达


word 相关词组

1. my word upon it : 我向你保证确是这样;

2. word for word : 逐字地;

3. by word of mouth : 口头地;

4. send word : 通知;

5. from the word go : 从一开始;

6. in other words : 换句话说, 也就是说;

7. give ones word of honour : 以名誉担保;

8. give words to : 用言语表达;

9. upon my word : 嗳呀, 我向你保证确是这样;

10. be as good as ones word : 守信;

11. break ones word : 失信;

12. leave word : 留言;

13. eat ones words : 认错道歉;

14. on ones word of honour : 以名誉担保;

word 相关例句


1. He is a man of his word.


2. word的近义词

2. The general gave the word to execute the deserters.


3. I hope you will always respect your word.


4. Can I have a word with you?


word 情景对话


A:Yelling to Rose) Rose, Don and I are going to buy some drinks.


B:(Quietly to Sue) Rose and Herb are from the Dark Ages!


A:Ive never seen two people who are so nervous when together.


B:This is going to be a major disaster.



A:Youre right. They wont say a word to each other...


B:...the whole evening.


A:They wont get together, ever.


Learning Vocabulary-(学习词汇)


A:I dont understand why we have to memorize conversations.We need more vocabulary, not pronunciation.


B:Dont you think memorizing conversations is a part of learning vocabulary?Every time we memorize a conversation, were memorizing a whole series of contexts.Each context tells us one way a word can be used.I know from my own language that I cant always use words by simply looking them up in a dictionary and then putting them into sentences. Some words have many meanings. We have to know which meanings go where.


word 网络解释

1. 字长:字长(word)是计算机一次能处理的二进制数的位数,通常是字节的整数倍. 字长是由cpu本身的硬件结构所决定的. 不同的计算机系统,其字长是不同的. 计算机中常用的字长有8位、16位、32位、64位等.

2. word什么意思

2. word:w; 字

word 双语例句

1. No word on any powertrain changes, but we expect the 3-Series coupe and convertible to soldier on with their current six-cylinder offerings.


2. The word damage does mean that, but damage here means the amount of money needed to pay for something.

Damage 这个字很普通,大家都知道是指什么东西坏了。可你指的是为什么东西付的钱。

3. word的解释

3. A WORD ABOUT SYSTEMIC DUCK FEEDERS: Some organizations and groups encourage anonymous feedback, in the mistaken belief that this provides a safe environment for honest communication.


4. Pasting content from another application, like Word or Excel, is best done with the Paste from Word button on the second row, or in HTML mode.

从其它程序粘贴内容,例如Word 或 Excel,最好用第二行的粘帖按钮完成,或者在HTML模式下完成。

5. word的解释

5. Shi Pingmei made the creation of about 400, 000 word entries in just five or six years time, her achievements of the literature are substantial, to some extent.



6. I tried to make it look like Microsoft Word and I think that there are some similarities.


7. word的解释

7. In fact, Microsoft Word also has this function.

其实在Microsoft Word中也有这个功能。

8. This is a preview of Free Microsoft Word Templates.

这是一个预览的免费微软 Word模板。

9. There is no reason given by Microsoft for the word.


10. It's an easy word and I think it's truely from your heart.


11. The word has been elevated from the status of slang to colloquialism.


12. A word was sufficient for him, sometimes a sign; the mastodon obeyed.


13. Circle the word with a different sound in each group.

圈出划线部分发音与众不同的单词 3

14. The term is more of a marketing buzz word than a description of any specific type of software.


15. More or less to make 4 stations till now, also go up more than 10 key word, of each key word go up bringing me is to be mad with joy, every station is dropped is to let those who one kind is swung I am aching more distressed.


16. Hold to half an year, when be about to abandon, discover the website is restored by Baidu suddenly today, shanghai entrance guard, the 2nd page arrives on the key word such as entrance guard system, the first page is Baidu contest price. Site discovery is collected increase, still thinking is he was misreaded. Be mad with joy!


17. China's most authoritative dictionary the most professional mass, sea word dictionary for English learners excellent service: how to say in English flash floods, flash floods of synonyms, antonyms, flash floods in the English translation, a sudden; violent flood; fla.., Most flash floods...

中国最权威最专业的海量词典,海词为英语学习者提供精品词典服务:暴洪的英语怎么说,暴洪的同义词、反义词,暴洪的英文翻译,a sudden; violent flood; fla。。,暴洪最。。。

18. And when he was king he cut off all the house of Jeroboam: he left not so much as one soul of his seed, till he had utterly destroyed him, according to the word of the Lord, which he had spoken in the hand of Ahias the Silonite



19. If the word is not popular, be optimized why.


20. word

20. Sony was a combination of sonus – the Latin word for `sound` - and Sonny - a mainstream American nickname.


word 词典解释

1. 单词;字

A word is a single unit of language that can be represented in writing or speech. In English, a word has a space on either side of it when it is written.

e.g. The words stood out clearly on the page...


e.g. The word 'ginseng' comes from the Chinese word 'ren-shen'.

ginseng 这个词来自汉语的“人参”。

2. 话;话语;所写的文字

Someone's words are what they say or write.

e.g. I was devastated when her words came true...


e.g. The words of the young woman doctor echoed in his ears...


3. 歌词;唱词

The words of a song consist of the text that is sung, in contrast to the music that is played.

e.g. Can you hear the words on the album?


4. 短时间的谈话;短暂的聊天

If you have a word with someone, you have a short conversation with them.


e.g. I think it's time you had a word with him...


e.g. James, could I have a quiet word?...


5. (警告、建议、赞扬的)话,话语

If you offer someone a word of something such as warning, advice, or praise, you warn, advise, or praise them.

e.g. A word of warning. Don't stick too precisely to what it says in the book...


e.g. May I also say a word of thanks to all the people who sent letters.


6. 一句话,一个字(也没有听到、明白或说)

If you say that someone does not hear, understand, or say a word, you are emphasizing that they hear, understand, or say nothing at all.

e.g. I can't understand a word she says...


e.g. I bet he doesn't remember a single word...


7. 消息;信息

If there is word of something, people receive news or information about it.

e.g. There is no word from the authorities on the reported attack...


e.g. Word has been spreading fast of the incidents on the streets...


8. 誓言;诺言

If you give your word, you make a sincere promise to someone.

e.g. ...an adult who gave his word the boy would be supervised...


e.g. He simply cannot be trusted to keep his word.


9. 命令;指示

If someone gives the word to do something, they give an order to do it.

e.g. I want nothing said about this until I give the word.


10. 措辞表达;用词表达

To word something in a particular way means to choose or use particular words to express it.


e.g. If I had written the letter, I might have worded it differently.



...a strongly-worded statement.


...a carefully-worded speech.


11. see also: wording;code word;four-letter word;play on words;printed word;spoken word;written word

12. 脏字;粗鄙的字眼

If you say that people consider something to be a dirty word, you mean that they disapprove of it.

e.g. So many people think feminism is a dirty word.


13. 收回前言,承认说错了话(尤指此举令说话人显得愚蠢时)

If you say that someone has to eat their words, you mean that they have to admit that they were wrong about something they said in the past, especially when this makes them look foolish.

e.g. He has had to eat his words about the company being recession-proof.


14. 沉默寡言的,少言寡语的,话不多的(尤指不谈及自己的意见和感情)

A person of few words says very little, especially about their opinions or feelings.


e.g. He's a man of few words, very polite and unassuming.


15. 从一开始

If you do something from the word go, you do it from the very beginning of a period of time or situation.

e.g. It's essential you make the right decisions from the word go.


16. (因为仰慕或尊敬而)仔细倾听,一字不落地认真听

If you hang on someone's every word, you listen very carefully to what they are saying, because you admire or respect them.


e.g. Melina was hanging on his every word, fascinated.


17. 从来没一句好话/从来没一句坏话

You can use expressions such as never have a good word to say or never have a bad word to say to emphasize that a person always criticizes someone or something, or that they never criticize them.


e.g. The press never has a good word to say about them...


e.g. She doesn't have a kind word for anyone.


18. (尤指因为一方抱怨了另一方的行为)与…争论,与…严肃讨论

If one person has words with another, or if two or more people have words, they have a serious discussion or argument, especially because one has complained about the other's behaviour.

e.g. We had words and she stormed out...


e.g. I shall have words with these stupid friends of mine!


19. 用…的话说;引用…的原话说

You can use in their words or in their own words to indicate that you are reporting what someone said using the exact words that they used.

e.g. Even the Assistant Secretary of State had to admit that previous policy did not, in his words, produce results.


20. 总而言之;简言之;一句话

You use in a word to indicate that you are giving a summary of what you have just been saying, or are giving a reply, in as brief a way as possible.

e.g. Victor, in a word, got increasingly fed up...


e.g. 'Shouldn't he be given the leading role?' — 'In a word — No.'


21. (讨论、争论、分歧中的)最终决定权

If someone has the last word or the final word in a discussion, argument, or disagreement, they are the one who wins it or who makes the final decision.

e.g. She does like to have the last word in any discussion...


e.g. The final word will still come from the Secretary of State.


22. (在奢侈、舒适等方面的)极致

If you say that something is the last word in luxury, comfort, or some other quality, you are emphasizing that it has a great deal of this quality.

e.g. The spa is the last word in luxury and efficiency.


23. (尤指因非常吃惊而)说不出话来,无以言表

If someone is lost for words, they cannot think of anything to say, especially because they are very surprised by something.

e.g. I'm lost for words — it's fantastic...


e.g. She was gaping at it, lost for words.


24. 没有直接说;拐弯抹角地说

If you say that someone has said something, but not in so many words, you mean that they said it or expressed it, but in a very indirect way.

e.g. 'And has she agreed to go with you?' — 'Not in so many words. But I read her thoughts'.


25. (用于强调刚刚警告对方的话很可能成真,尤其是认为对方应改变态度或行为予以避免时)你听着,记住我的话

If you say 'mark my words' to someone, you are emphasizing that something you have just warned them about is very likely to happen, especially when you think they should change their attitude or behaviour to prevent it.

e.g. That's what you'll end up with, you mark my words.


26. (由)口头

If news or information passes by word of mouth, people tell it to each other rather than it being printed in written form.


e.g. The story has been passed down by word of mouth.


27. 硬说…说过某些话

If you say that someone is putting words into your mouth or is putting words in your mouth, you mean that they are suggesting that you mean one thing when you really mean something different.

28. 说话算数的人;一诺千金的人

If you refer to someone as a man of his word or a woman of her word, you mean that they always keep their promises and can be relied on.


29. 换言之;换句话说;也就是说

You say in other words in order to introduce a different, and usually simpler, explanation or interpretation of something that has just been said.

e.g. The mobile library services have been reorganised — in other words, they visit fewer places.


30. 用…自己的话说

If you say something in your own words, you express it in your own way, without copying or repeating someone else's description.

e.g. Now tell us in your own words about the events of Saturday.


31. 传话;递话

If you pass the word, you tell someone something that another person has told you.

e.g. Friends passed the word that the miners wanted to see him.


32. 发话,下令(示意某事应该开始)

If someone says the word, they give their approval as a sign that something should start to happen.

e.g. When I say the word, follow me down.


33. 散布消息;传播消息

If you spread the word, you tell people about something.


e.g. The community reacted quickly and spread the word about safe sex.


34. 对…说的话信以为真

If you take someone at their word, you believe what they say, when they did not really mean it or when they meant something slightly different.


e.g. They're willing to take him at his word when he says, 'Oh, I made mistakes and now I'll change.'


35. 相信…的话;…说的是真话

If you say to someone 'take my word for it', you mean that they should believe you because you are telling the truth.

e.g. You'll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house, take my word for it.


36. 极其愚蠢/荒唐得让人无语

You can use expressions such as too silly for words and too ridiculous for words to emphasize that someone or something is extremely silly or ridiculous.

e.g. It's too stupid for words not having the machines switched on when they're most needed...


e.g. I feel simply too devastated for words.


37. 信守诺言;说话算话;说到做到

If you are true to your word or as good as your word, you do what you say you will do.


e.g. How do I know that he will be true to his word?...


e.g. They were as good as their word and stayed away.


38. 逐字;一字不差地

If you repeat something word for word, you repeat it exactly as it was originally said or written.

e.g. I don't try to memorize speeches word for word.


39. not get a word in edgeways -> see edgeways

not mince your words -> see mince

the operative word -> see operative

actions speak louder than words -> see speak

war of words -> see war

word 单语例句word的解释

1. Dr Smillie has a word of advice to offer anyone considering buying a dog.

2. In Beijing, the word " courtyard " is often overused by the design world.

3. There was no immediate word of casualty by last night, according to the bureau.

4. I just caught the key word'subway'and assumed he wanted to go somewhere by train.

5. Four days after word of a massive government rescue plan began to hit the market, investors had little by way of details.

6. " That kind of thing travels by word of mouth, " she said.

7. The techniques of making them spread by word of mouth from masters to apprentices so there are few records about them.

8. The movie is partly a Chinese production, and judging by word of mouth it should have grossed some decent box office gloss.

9. The river has been a witness to many events, which have passed down by word of mouth as legends among the local people.

10. The epic is passed down only by word of mouth among specially designated epic singers called " dong lang ".

word 英英释义



1. a unit of language that native speakers can identify

e.g. words are the blocks from which sentences are made

he hardly said ten words all morning

2. information about recent and important events

e.g. they awaited news of the outcome

Synonym: newsintelligencetidings

3. a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group

e.g. he forgot the password

Synonym: passwordwatchwordparolecountersign

4. a brief statement

e.g. he didn't say a word about it

5. an exchange of views on some topic

e.g. we had a good discussion

we had a word or two about it

Synonym: discussiongive-and-take

6. a verbal command for action

e.g. when I give the word, charge!

7. a promise

e.g. he gave his word

Synonym: paroleword of honor

8. a word is a string of bits stored in computer memory

e.g. large computers use words up to 64 bits long



1. put into words or an expression

e.g. He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees

Synonym: give voiceformulatephrasearticulate




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